Let’s Go to the Videotape

1. “Security,” by Melanie Manchot

At Goff + Rosenthal through March 10

Muscular bouncers with even tans and enormous pecs are filmed outside nightclubs in Ibiza appearing confident and commanding—until, at Manchot’s request, they strip down to their skivvies and suddenly don’t look so tough.

2. “Paper Collection,” by Shannon Plumb

At Sara Meltzer through March 17

Plumb, a former model, films herself as various fashion-world archetypes in absurd Chaplinesque situations, wearing paper costumes made by the artist.

3. “See Begien, NYC,” by Cathy Begien

At Winkleman through March 17

In Black Out, the artist sits blindfolded, consuming drinks and cigarettes as she recounts the previous night’s debauchery, building toward a disturbingly sloshed finale.

Let’s Go to the Videotape