Laugh Writer Standing

1. Kinky Friedman

November 20, at Barnes & Noble

The author, recent Texas gubernatorial candidate, and former lead singer of Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys is gruff, arrogant, and hilarious—and that’s before taking into account that his latest work is a Christmas fable, the jacket of which shows him caressing a pig.

2. Jest Fest ’06

November 16, at Housing Works

The subject matter (David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest) may not be funny on its own, but throw in readers like John Krasinski (Jim from The Office) and head Onion writer Todd Hanson, and things are likely to get decidedly more laugh-inducing.

3. Al Franken

November 16, at Barnes & Noble

He may have gone political, but even his most biting works, including The Truth (With Jokes), retain his excellent wise-ass humor. At leastto liberals.

Laugh Writer Standing