quote machine

D.L. Hughley Actually Paid to Make People Laugh

Not paid enough for a decent haircut!Photo: Getty Images

“The only difference between me and Al Sharpton is that I’m paid to make people laugh.” —Comedian D.L. Hughley, responding to being called a self-promoter by Sharpton [A.V. Club]

“I’ve been naked quite a bit, actually. You Google me, you’ll see it all.” —Weeds star Mary-Louise Parker, who appears nude in a poster for the show [AP]

“Some days I think, ‘Well, if we go the route of Arrested Development I can raise my kid because I won’t be at work so much.’” Tina Fey on the upside to a world without 30 Rock [TV Guide]

“A lot of people think I’m arrogant, but I’m really just telling the truth about what I do and how good it is. The biggest thing I hate in life is false modesty.” Rufus Wainwright on his talent [Dallas Morning News via PopMatters]

“My favorite team of all time is ‘Children of a Lesser God.’ They couldn’t play at all, but they loved every second of it.” Thomas Godfrey, commissioner of the Broadway Show Softball League [NYT]
—Elizabeth Black

D.L. Hughley Actually Paid to Make People Laugh