ben silverman

Ben Silverman Possibly Not Getting Fired!

Shai Azoulay’s Dream (2008).

Hooray! Despite missed meetings, long absences from work, allegations of drug use on the job, and, oh yeah, his network’s failing primetime lineup, it’s looking increasingly likely that NBC wunderkind (and Vulture hero) Ben Silverman will probably keep his job. According to “a person close to the situation” (who may or may not be Ben Silverman), a deal could be reached to renew Silverman’s contract by the end of this year, reports the L.A. Times today. Apparently his bosses are impressed with his ability to lower programming costs and wrangle product placements, both of which have helped raise network profits this year despite the fact that no one seems to be watching any of his shows. We anxiously await word of a signed deal and, with it, many more years of NBC-sponsored entertainment (even if none of it is actually televised).

Signals suggest NBC’s Ben Silverman isn’t going anywhere [LAT]

Ben Silverman Possibly Not Getting Fired!