trailer mix

Charlie St. Cloud Trailer: Zac Efron Gets Real

Handsome and successful young actor Zac Efron already broke out of the High School Musical penitentiary with the well-received ($136 million worldwide box-office) comedy 17 Again … but can he carry a drama?! And not just any drama, but one where he has to romance a curt ladyfriend, cry convincingly, hold down a job at the cemetery, and teach the ghost of his little brother how to throw a slider using what looks like the mechanics promoted by famous drill-video salesman Tom Emanski? Check out the new, kind of bat-shit-crazy Charlie St. Cloud trailer — ghosts of dead brothers aside, there’s also a scene in which Efron sweeps a bunch of crap off a table and one where a grizzled old seaman shouts out, “No one can survive in those waters!” before Efron heads out to save his lost-at-sea girl — and decide for yourself. Also, yes, Zac Efron looks funny trying to throw a baseball.

Charlie St. Cloud Trailer: Zac Efron Gets Real