trailer mix

Watch the Interactive Trailer for Super 8

J.J. Abrams has been of two minds when it comes to promoting Super 8: He’d rather show very little — like in the film’s trailer and viral marketing campaign — but somewhere along the way, he realized that to compete in the sequel-drenched summer of 2011, you’ve got to do things like invite the press to a twenty-minute presentation of footage. His latest Super 8 stunt falls somewhere in between: It’s a four-minute interactive trailer, bundled with the new video game Portal 2, that lets players explore the film’s alien-carrying train both before and after it crashes. There are movie clues scattered throughout (it seems that the train’s extraterrestrial cargo likes to snack on cattle), but it’s notable that despite its feeling of freedom, the trailer really doesn’t actually reveal all that much. Then again, the man did produce Lost, so that sort of trick should be old hat for him by now. [Kotaku]

Watch the Interactive Trailer for Super 8