
Keanu Reeves Wrote a Book About Sadness

Photo: Larry Busacca/2011 Getty Images
Photo: Larry Busacca/2011 Getty Images

Meme-tastically sad actor Keanu Reeves has finally gotten around to monetizing his sorrows. The Guardian reports that Reeves has written a small book called Ode to Happiness — a purposely ironic title, since the pages consists of sad inkblot paintings and passages like, “I draw a hot sorrow bath. In my despair room.” Reeves says he was inspired to write the book one day while listening to a radio station that “was playing, like, an orgy of depressing, self-pitying, nostalgic music. You know: ‘I’m so lonely and I’ve been left and my heart is broken.’ It was so voluptuously horrible.” Should it sell well, Reeves has further literary endeavors in mind. “I hope we get to do another book,” he said. “I’m considering another idea I call Haikus of Hope. Basically like, ‘I want to kill myself’, and go from there.” [Guardian UK via Movie City News]

Keanu Reeves Wrote a Book About Sadness