people who could say anything and always be interesting

Fashion’s Night Out Shilling Contest: Anna Wintour vs. Emmanuelle Alt

Emmanuelle Alt présente la Vogue Fashion Night... by VOGUEPARIS

If you can’t remember what happened at last year’s Fashion’s Night Out, congratulations! You must have handled it perfectly. This year, you’ll once again have the chance to drink yourself to blackout while giving back to the fashion industry through purchases you’re hopefully making, when the third FNO takes place on September 8. The whole effort to help the fashion community has gotten so large and well-coordinated that Vogues all over the world are doing FNOs in their various cities in France, Greece, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Australia, and Russia, to name a few. Editors of the various editions appear together in a promo video shilling their global FNO effort, which is truly wonderful because these women could say anything about nothing and still be fascinating to watch.

So, who’s better at plugging FNO? Anna or Emmanuelle? And are you just as excited about it this year as in years past, or do you plan to stay home with your old clothes and a bottle of something you bought yourself?

Fashion’s Night Out Shilling Contest: Anna Wintour vs. Emmanuelle Alt