
Bourdain and Ripert Postgame Over Tequila in the Les Halles Kitchen

A while back, we revealed that Anthony Bourdain was planning to return to the kitchen of Les Halles for an episode of No Reservations. A clip of the show’s aftermath is now up, and it’s priceless: Post-shift, Bourdain and Eric Ripert sit down for what Ripert calls a glass of “pure water,” but is probably his favorite Patrón Silver. True to his name, the Ripper rips into Bourdain for having just one person at a station that he thinks should be manned by two — “Those guys are promoting slavery.” Bourdain pooh-poohs him: “If you put two people back there, they get in each other’s way.” But he admits it’s one of the toughest cooking stations in the city. Which is why, Bourdain says, he wouldn’t last long on it: “After a week, my brain would snap.” Our favorite part comes at the end, when Ripert admits, “At one point I was totally lost.… I had no idea what I was grilling.…” In tequila veritas!

Anthony Bourdain Interviews Chef Eric Ripert [YouTube]
Related: Bourdain to Cook at Les Halles, Yearns for Giant Food Courts

Bourdain and Ripert Postgame Over Tequila in the Les Halles Kitchen