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Prepare Your Angry Introduction: Ahmadinejad Is Coming Back to New York


Fuhgeddaboubit!Photo: Getty Images

According to the Jerusalem Post, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has told the national television news agency there that he will attend the next U.N. General Assembly here in New York in September. He will “defend Iran’s rights” (to nuclear capability as well as Photoshop, we imagine) and “propose changes to what he called the ‘unjust’ Western system of administering international organizations.”

Last time Ahmadinejad was in New York, he was invited to speak at Columbia University, where school president Lee Bollinger really laid into him in his introduction. He called him a “cruel and petty dictator.” Students also tried to corner him on his deadly anti-gay policies, to which replied: “We don’t have homosexuals. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don’t know who told you that we have it.”

Now’s your chance NYU: Invite him onstage and get him to pretend there are no women in Iran, and you’ll be able to totally rub it in Columbia’s face.

State TV: Ahmadinejad says he’ll attend UN General Assembly meeting [Jerusalem Post]
Earlier: Live-Blogging Ahmadinejad

Prepare Your Angry Introduction: Ahmadinejad Is Coming Back to New York