sometimes it's the little things

Battle of the Bozos Heats Up

This morning, at around 10 a.m., thirteen inflatable Bozo the Clown bop dolls were placed simultaneously in the windows of Manhattan’s Harrison & Star agency, staring down at the offices of a company called VideoHelper across the way. It was the latest gambit in the ongoing lighthearted “Battle of the Bozos” between the two companies, who face one another across West 21st Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. Betsy Todd, one of the architects of the skirmish from VideoHelper’s side, waved a white flag out the window at the show of force. But it’s not a sign of surrender. “We can admit that it’s a job well done,” she said. Meanwhile, a blog has been started (obviously) to chronicle the fun, and to encourage others to begin their own Bozo battles across the country.

Earlier: The 21st Street Battle of the Bozos

Battle of the Bozos Heats Up