the third terminator

Dating Mayor Bloomberg Is Worth a Woman’s While

Sure, he may snap at you if you accidentally make noise or bark at you to “wear a sweater if you’re chilly!” and he may pressure you into going for a third round against your better judgment. But Mayor Bloomberg is as generous with the women in his life as he is with Big Pharma, the despised CEOs of financial institutions, and Earth-destroying oil companies. This year, the stout billionaire’s tax returns reveal he threw $500,000 into a trust fund for ex-wife Susan, whom he divorced in 1993.


Such magnanimity, it turns out, does not end with former wives. Years ago, after Mr. Bloomberg broke up with a companion, Mary Jane Salk, a writer and widow of the psychologist Lee Salk, he gave her a trust fund worth at least $500,000 and a Park Avenue condominium, which he bought in 2000 for $3.75 million.

That’s nice! True, the man looks a little like a leprechaun. But at least at the end of the rainbow, there’s a pot of gold.

Bloomberg Spent More as Market Bounced Back [NYT]

Dating Mayor Bloomberg Is Worth a Woman’s While