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NFL to Look for ‘Electronic Fingerprints’ on Brett Favre’s Penis

It was bad enough that NFL officials had to ask Brett Favre, one of the sport’s current longest-playing legends, about whether he had left leering voice mails on Jets reporter Jenn Sterger’s cell phone. (The married Vikings QB admitted to at least that part of his ongoing infidelity scandal.) But now, since Favre denies sending photographs of his penis to Sterger, the NFL has taken steps to determine if he is lying. (See the photos in question on Deadspin.) “League investigators are using cutting-edge technology to find electronic fingerprints on the pictures,” the Post tells us this morning, sourcing an story from yesterday. According to the sports website, Sterger’s phone, SIM card, and call records are in the hands of the NFL now — and some league employee is tasked with scrutinizing the pictures for evidence of origin. Too bad the kind of people who would love to spend their days staring at the junk of professional athletes are not, we imagine, the people who actually end up working for the NFL.

NFL using electronic forensics [NFL]

NFL to Look for ‘Electronic Fingerprints’ on Brett Favre’s Penis