
Chinese Woman Saves Baby From Ten-Story Fall

In April, we were moved by the story of Helen Beard, the 41-year-old hero and British mother who caught a falling baby at Florida’s Econo Lounge. This weekend, Beard was one-upped by Wu Juping, a 32-year-old Chinese woman who caught a 2-year-old girl, Niu Niu, as Niu Niu was falling from a tenth-floor apartment in Hangzhou. The child was reportedly alone in an apartment while her grandmother ran errands, when she climbed onto the windowsill and fell out. Wu was walking by when she noticed the falling baby and “kicked off her high-heeled shoes,” she says, sprinting toward the child and catching Niu Niu with her bare hands. Unfortunately, Niu Niu has been hospitalized, but she’s expected to recover; Juping broke her arm in the process, but she’ll be okay, too. As Juping, herself a mom, explains it, “I thought to myself ‘I should stretch my arms to her. Because I am right here, I must get her.’ Then I made it. I caught her in my arms.”

Woman Catches Toddler After 10-Story Fall Reports Claim [AP via HuffPo]

Chinese Woman Saves Baby From Ten-Story Fall