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People Very Excited to Live in Building Where Katie Holmes Hid From Scientologists

General exteriors of Katie Holmes' apartment, the Chelsea Mercantile Building on July 2, 2012 in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City.
General exteriors of Katie Holmes’ apartment, the Chelsea Mercantile Building on July 2, 2012 in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Photo: Bobby Bank/WireImage

We went from showing once or twice a week to five showings today, four on Thursday and seven on Friday so far,” the real-estate agent who handles a $22.5 million apartment at the Chelsea Mercantile (and, obviously, has an interest in drumming up buzz about his listing) boasted earlier this week. It’s unclear at this time how many of the apartment’s prospective buyers are also hiding from Scientologists. 

Surge of Interest in Katie Holmes’s Building