company town

Meredith Whitney Has Housing Woes of Her Own

• Did ball-busting Oppenheimer analyst Meredith Whitney skin that zebra on her wall herself? [DealBreaker via Fortune]
• Here’s an anniversary no one wants to celebrate: The credit crunch turns one year old. [DealBreaker]
• Carl Icahn’s WCI Communications is filing for bankruptcy. [NYT]

• Regardless of whether Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal takeover was a vanity play or a business move, there haven’t been any widespread cutbacks at the Journal, even though more than 6,000 newspaper jobs elsewhere have been axed this year. Plus, subscriptions actually went up for the six months ending in March. That’s not to say the Journal isn’t without problems: News Corp.’s stock has dropped 40 percent since last fall. [Variety]
• Meanwhile, broadsheets are no longer trophies for titans. [NYT]
• Say good-bye to the boys on the bus: John McCain’s camp is limiting reporters’ access to the presidential hopeful. [WP]
Playgirl is folding. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]

• Two huge apartments next to each other at 740 Park Avenue are on the market for a combined $73 million — and an enterprising billionaire could combine the two duplexes. But will the co-op board allow it to happen? [NYT]
• Investors are concerned about Tishman Speyer’s $5.4 billion Stuy Town and Peter Cooper Village purchase after revenue from rents dropped 4.2 percent last year. [NYP]
• A Bank of America executive bought a converted warehouse in the far West Village from a painter for $17 million. [Real Deal]

• Aides to then–New York governor Eliot Spitzer thought Attorney General Andrew Cuomo’s investigation of Spitzer administration efforts to discredit a political rival were overly aggressively and possibly politically motivated. []
• A ten-step guide to saying good-bye to the firm where you worked this summer. [Corporette]

Meredith Whitney Has Housing Woes of Her Own