early and often

Caroline Kennedy Is Pushing Herself for Senate Gig After All

Remember how everyone (including us) was making a fuss over how Caroline Kennedy was getting pushed by her prominent family members to go for Hillary Clinton’s soon-to-be vacant Senate seat, but she wasn’t sure she herself wanted it? Yeah, well, Cindy Adams says that’s all a bunch of salami. “What I know — not what I hear or read, what I know — is she her very own self is lifting the phone and dialing decision-makers,” Cindy writes. “She wants this.” Unfortunately, none of the other Democrats in the state seem to want it, Cindy quite correctly observes.

One such Dem even went so far as to compare Caroline Kennedy to a fluffy pop star. “I don’t know what Caroline Kennedy’s qualifications are,” U.S. Congressman from Queens Gary Ackerman said on WOR yesterday. “Except that she has name recognition, but so does J.Lo … I wouldn’t make J.Lo the senator unless she proved she had great qualifications, but we haven’t seen them yet.” This little quip gave the Post an excuse to create one of their best tales-of-the-tape ever: the one between J.Lo and Caroline Bouvier Kennedy. It was mostly an excuse to make fun of Lopez’s neighborhood, education, and big butt. But it did fail to highlight one qualification for the Senate office J.Lo has that Caroline doesn’t: terrible taste in interior design.


Caroline Kennedy Is Pushing Herself for Senate Gig After All