post-racial america

Questlove Puts NBC Menu Controversy to Bed

After setting off a firestorm over NBC’s Black History Month menu, Roots drummer Questlove, who first posted a picture of the menu to his Twitter with the message “Hmm HR?”, is trying to make good. First of all, he wants to clear up why he posted the picture in the first place. Because it was funny! Like, Rodney Dangerfield funny. He didn’t think it was racist or insensitive or a nefarious plot cooked up by Jeff Zucker in his underground lair.

when i saw the sign i have to admit….i was DYING. like literally LMAO!!! maybe it was juxtaposition of the words: collard & history, jalapeno & honor, fried, black and nbc??

when i saw the sign i have to admit….i was DYING. like literally LMAO!!! maybe it was juxtaposition of the words: collard & history, jalapeno & honor, fried, black and nbc??

With that out of the way, he apologized to Leslie Calhoun, the black cafeteria cook who prepared the menu and didn’t see what all the uproar was about. Calhoun was dragged into the middle of this mess by the media but she refused to relent from her position that “It’s just a good meal.” So what did Questlove do by way of apology?

i presented leslie in our kitchen with flowers and an extremely sizable gift certificate spa treatment with the works (enough to make my assistant go “WTF?!?!” who is more stressed out over your mess than me?!”)–

Nicely done.

Questlove Puts NBC Menu Controversy to Bed