people who are unsatisfied with the current state of gasoline

Jimmy McMillan Apparently Done Caring About the Rent

As unbelievable as it sounds, Jimmy McMillan — the most obsessive rent-lowering zealot in all of human history, a man who ran for various offices as the candidate of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party, a man who always managed to somehow incorporate rent prices into discussions on entirely unrelated topics — seems to no longer be concerned about rent. The evidence?

Here are some lyrics from his smash hit song, “Ain’t Nothing to Talk About“:

And here is a quote from a video for (“a project of Let Freedom Ring, the Delaware-based conservative think tank,” according to Dave Weigel), which stars McMillan:

The Gasoline is Too Damn High. The Tea is Free. [Weigel/Slate]

Jimmy McMillan Apparently Done Caring About the Rent