
White House to Tim Geithner: You’re Not Going Anywhere

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will stay in his spot atop President Obama’s economic team — isn’t that right, Tim? Pressure from the White House amid an uncertain economy and looming reelection campaign is so far keeping Geithner in place despite the fact that he “has been considering an exit since early this year,” the New York Times reports today. Geithner had been waiting for a debt deal before making a final choice, with his family having fled back to New York so his son can finish high school. “I haven’t made that decision yet,” Geithner told ABC on Tuesday, citing “a lot of challengers” and “other pressures.” But the White House, led by Obama’s chief of staff William Daley, is doing their damnedest to hold onto him, in large part to avoid a nasty confirmation fight with Republicans over Geithner’s replacement.

Especially in recent weeks, the issue has become a running joke, officials say: Mr. Geithner and Mr. Daley tease about the ankle bracelet that the White House makes him wear, or Mr. Geithner asks if Mr. Daley has yet read his resignation letter, to which Mr. Daley answers in unprintable language.

In today’s D.C. parlance, you might even say they’re holding him hostage.

Pressured by White House, Treasury Secretary Is Expected to Stay at Post [NYT]

In today’s D.C. parlance, you might even say they’re holding him hostage.

Pressured by White House, Treasury Secretary Is Expected to Stay at Post [NYT]

White House to Tim Geithner: You’re Not Going Anywhere