
Cars Torched, Swastikas Painted in Brooklyn Neighborhood

Antisemitism reared its ugly head in the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Midwood, Brooklyn, last night. Three cars were set on fire, and police, who are handling the incident as a hate crime, say that “KKK” was spray-painted on the side of a van, swastikas were  scrawled on benches, and the words “Fuck Jews” were written on the sidewalk. “The fact that this most recent attack came on the heels of the 73rd anniversary of Kristalnacht [sic] may or may not be a coincidence,” Mayor Bloomberg said in a statement. “Either way, this kind of hateful act has no place in the freest city in the freest country in the world.” Wait, New York City is the “freest city” in the country? Has anyone told the smokers? Or the people who want to eat trans-fats? Or — well, whatever, sorry. Get out of New York, scumbags!

Torched Cars, Swastikas in Brooklyn Neighborhood