fruit of the vine

Celebrities Pull Back the Curtain on Vine and It Is Boring

Vine, Twitter’s new video app, lets people share brief glimpses of their lives (and, in some cases, penises) more easily than ever before. Generally, these glimpses are utterly boring and uninteresting to everybody else in the world. But what about Vine’s early celebrity adopters? Surely their videos document insane parties, exotic travels, and the general excitement of their rich and famous lives? No, they do not.

Tommy Lee played with his thumb as he sat in an airport.

Tyra Banks said the word vine instead of words that sound like vine.

Dick Van Dyke has a cat that likes to play with wigs. Also, Dick Van Dyke is on Vine before most people. Think about that for a minute.

Omar Epps drank a Schweppes. Or is it … a glass of wine?

Kevin Smith’s dog ate its dog bed.

Nina Garcia of Project Runway stood outside a building.

Enrique Iglesias vined a YouTube video of Pitbull swinging a large bra.

Celebrities on Vine Are Boring