accidents happen

Liberty Island Ferry Hits Pier, Everyone Takes It Pretty Well

Etats-Unis, New-York, Manhattan, Financial District, touristes sur la plage arri?re d'un ferry ? destination de Liberty Island, Statue de la Libert? en arri?re-plan//United States, New York, Manhattan, Financial District, tourists on the quarterdeck of a ferry to Liberty Island, Statue of Liberty in background
Not the ferry that crashed today. Photo: Patrice Hauser/Hauser Patrice/

Ferry accidents can be rather serious, but luckily eight people sustained only minor injuries – ranging from small cuts to a sprained ankle – when a ferry carrying 497 passengers and eight crew members to Liberty Island collided with the pier on Tuesday afternoon. While one witness said there was “mass pandemonium” as those on the dock saw the ferry heading toward them, the reaction later was fairly nonchalant. “People just fell a bit and maybe hit their heads,” witness Bob Young of Australia told the Post. “They walked them off. They were all OK. No broken arms.” And while Statue Cruises said in its official statement, “We are relieved that there were no serious injuries and we are working with the National Park Service to identify the cause of the hard landing,” Chief Operating Officer Mike Burke sounded a bit less concerned. “Thankfully it was not exciting but just annoying for the visitors,” Burke told The Wall Street Journal. “At least they got a chance to see the statue and they’ll have a story to tell tomorrow.”

Liberty Island Ferry Hits Pier, Reaction Muted