
Owner of Depressed Cat Forced Into Servitude Says the Cat Hasn’t Actually Made Her $100 Million [Updated]

TODAY -- Pictured: Grumpy Cat appears on NBC News'
“I have more money than you.” Photo: Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire

You may wonder why Grumpy Cat — the internet-famous feline who was born on Reddit and now stars in her own Lifetime movie — looks so sad. But honestly, I think deep down we all know the answer: because her owner has transformed her into a moneymaking meme machine, forcing her to host parties and book signings, pose for endless portraits, star in movies, and — worst of all — visit the BuzzFeed office, when all she wants to do is chase bugs and sleep in a sliver of sunlight.

According to The Express, all that hard work has paid off — for Grumpy Cat’s owner. The paper reports that the furry meal ticket has grossed her owner, Tabatha Bundesen, over $100 million since she first went viral on Reddit in September 2012. That’s great and all, but we’re pretty sure cats — especially those suffering from medical conditions like feline dwarfism — would prefer a nice dish of wet food and a new catnip toy to a mountain of cash. 

Bundesen, meanwhile, told the Huffington Post that the $100 million figure is “completely inaccurate,” though she declined to elaborate specifically on just how lucrative monetizing her pet is.

Either way–free Grumpy Cat.


Grumpy Cat Has Made Over $100M in Just Two Years