Donald Trump Fortune-Telling Machine Has Popped Up in NYC

New Yorkers could apparently get Donald Trump’s America doomsday prophesizing on demand Tuesday, after an Ask Zoltar–like fortune-telling machine with the likeness of the GOP candidate popped up on a street corner in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. It later appeared right near the Trump Tower in midtown.

According to Gothamist, which first posted a video of the “All-Seeing Trump,” the mechanical seer invites you to glimpse “How Great America’s Future Is.” Trump’s America includes a recession and high-speed deportation trains “that run on green energy — salsa verde.” Yet, Trump also predicts: “There’s no wall. Do you have any idea how much that would cost? I mean, you people are so clueless.”

Here is the crystal-ball-waving Trump making some more predictions in Greenpoint:

And with visitors near Trump Tower, where the NYPD reportedly turned off the sound:

It’s unclear who’s behind this latest (and fully clothed) Trump art.

Donald Trump Fortune-Telling Machine Has Popped Up in NYC