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New Yorker Makes Your Cell Phone the Best Etch-a-Sketch Ever

It’s all thanks to the geniuses in Cupertino that you’ll soon be able to ditch your barely functioning Razr for the oh-so-shiny new iPhone, right? Wrong! We’re sure you’ll be as thrilled as we were to learn that a major part of the iPhone’s cooler-than-thou technology — the first touch screen that allows you to simultaneously use two fingers to manipulate two things, like Tom Cruise in Minority Report — was created by a New Yorker: Jeff Han, a research scientist for NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. The video above reveals the fascinating possibilities. Whether the phone plays trippy music every time you minimize Mom to order some Domino’s? Unclear.

Multi-Touch Interaction Research [ via MUG]
Earlier: Steve Jobs Wows the Faithful (But What About Those Options?)

New Yorker Makes Your Cell Phone the Best Etch-a-Sketch Ever