
Photograph, Then Destroy

The usually indefatigable Develop Don’t Destory Brooklyn, which media outlets across the city can typically rely upon for Ratner-castigating press releases pegged to almost any occurrence, sent this today:

From: Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn

Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 10:36:46 AM

To: undisclosed-recipients

Subject: Sol Lewitt Wall Paintings in Ratner Building Slated for Atlantic Yards Demo

Artist Sol Lewitt, a giant in the conceptual and minimal art movements and one of the great innovators in the past 40 years, died on Sunday at the age of 78. Lewitt was famous, amongst other works, for his wall paintings 

Photographed?! That’s it? Either they’re crappy Lewitts, or Daniel Goldstein is going soft.

On Sol Lewitt [DDDB]

Photograph, Then Destroy