
Bill Keller, Staff Perform Amazing Feats of Near-Homeless Newspapering


The new tower under construction last year.Photo: Getty Images

The Times waiting at our door this morning had a substantial heft. This would not normally be noteworthy, particularly on a Friday, when we get not one but two arts sections and the straight-to-the-trash Escapes. But we’d half-expected a slim volume today, around the size of our college paper. Why? Because the Times news staff is finally moving into the big, shiny new building across from Port Authority this weekend, and everyone had to have their desks packed up by 6 p.m. last night. Which raised the interesting question of how they’d put out the weekend papers. We hear computers and phones remain on 43rd Street, and reporters and editors are expected to work in their near-empty cubicles through the weekend. (Research material? Reference books? Old notes? Eh, who needs ‘em!) The biggest challenge: We’re told Culture’s actual move is happening Sunday night. Up against the Tonys. And The Sopranos. Ain’t moving day fun?

Bill Keller, Staff Perform Amazing Feats of Near-Homeless Newspapering