bons mots

Some Save the World by Creating Vaccines; Patricia Field Makes Giant Flowers

Patricia Field

Patricia Field heals with beauty. Photo: Getty Images

It’s hard to believe, but going into fashion was really something Patricia Field struggled with. Like, philosophically. Because in addition to being the Picasso to Sarah Jessica Parker’s Dora Maar, a scorner of the big-boned, and the woman responsible for turning every woman into a clone of Carrie Fucking Bradshaw, Patricia Field is a philosopher. “I studied philosophy and art and history, and I spent a large portion of my life dealing with fashion and thinking how frivolous it is,” she tells Fashion Week Daily. “But now, with all the ugliness we see around us today, I’m thinking that the work I do isn’t so frivolous. It brings beauty and happiness to a world that’s so tortured, and it makes me really happy that I can be a part of that.” Now if she could only get Mahmoud Ahmadinejad out of that suit.

Party Beat [Fashion Week Daily]

Earlier: ’Sex and the City’ Violates Fashion in Its House of Worship

Some Save the World by Creating Vaccines; Patricia Field Makes Giant Flowers