
Jay-Z ‘Took Rihanna Aside’ to Talk About Rumors of Their Affair


Photo: Getty Images

Rihanna said she used to feel self-conscious about the rumors that she hooked up with Jay-Z, but now just ignores them. Observer prepmaster general David Foxley will now be the person to call to get reservations at the Waverly Inn. Billion-heiress Anna Anisimova slept at her mother’s place on Tuesday, which is a good thing because a 400-pound Venetian chandelier collapsed and fell fifteen feet onto the bed at her own place. Rapper 50 Cent has to pay an undisclosed sum to a Post photographer for knocking him down after he tried to take a photo of him. MSNBC accidentally flashed a graphic of Osama bin Laden as host Chris Matthews was discussing Barack Obama. Robert John Burck, a.k.a. the Naked Cowboy, says he has high-profile investments. DJ AM has invited ex-girlfriend Mandy Moore to hear him spin at Room Service on Friday.

Pink and her motorcycle-driving husband, Carey Hart, are splitting after two years of marriage. Nicolas Cage may have improperly written off $3.3 million in personal expenses. Hollywood producer Ryan Kavanaugh is claiming that publicist Mike Sitrick used the Los Angeles Times to put a hit piece out on him. Edison Chen, the Hong Kong singer-dancer embroiled in a sex scandal, is currently hiding out in the U.S. because there is a bounty on his head back home. A mystery man sent Paris Hilton a $40,000 bottle of Champagne when she was celebrating her birthday last week in Vegas. Derek Jeter made up for being shot down by Sienna Miller at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where a host of women lined up to meet him. Laura Bush says the wedding of First Daughter Jenna will be small and private. Matthew McConaughey and model Camilla Alves are going to have a boy. Big Brother cast member Adam Jasinski is catching heat for equating autistic kids with “retards” on last week’s show. Ann Coulter’s credit card was declined in the 10 Items or Less line at a Palm Beach Publix. David Spade and Billy Joel won’t reveal whom they voted for because they don’t want to alienate fans. A director of a hard-core rape-bondage porn screened the flick at Yale, where he was accused of being “disrespectful to women.” Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens canoodled with 2002 Playmate Shallan Meiers at an NBA All-Star Weekend party in New Orleans. Cindy Adams interviewed her friend and Best Supporting Actress nominee Ruby Dee.

Jay-Z ‘Took Rihanna Aside’ to Talk About Rumors of Their Affair