party lines

Tyra Banks Children’s Book So Totally Imminent

Since we’ve learned from America’s Next Top Model that modeling is not just about standing around looking pretty but is in fact really challenging, we decided to ask Tyra Banks what she found most difficult about portraying Michelle Obama in a recent Bazaar spread. “The hardest part was reading to the children,” she said at the magazine’s party in her honor last night. “Because they were running around and they were not interested in the story that I was reading to them, so I had to start making up a story. I made a story up about, I don’t know, a girl with the biggest hair in the world and she couldn’t fit through doors because her hair was too big, and that calmed them down a bit.” Hmmm, that actually sounds kind of funny and not bad. Is it possible Tyra may totally be in the running toward becoming America’s Next Top Children’s Book Author?

Tyra Banks Children’s Book So Totally Imminent