neighborhood watch

Wronged Librarian Scores $25,000 After E-mail Mix-Up

Profligate Turks.

William Hallowell, the Staten Island librarian’s assistant who was arrested last year when his older female boss called the police on him, claiming he sent her a filthy (yet hilarious) e-mail which employed the phrase, “I could spank you with a vintage [copy] of Finigan’s [sic] Wake.” It was obviously a mix-up — it wasn’t even his e-mail address on the printout — but the fuzz hauled him in and questioned him anyway. So Hallowell sued them for harassment, and now he’s won $25K from the city. We applaud the justice and all, but considering how tight the budget is, we think it would have been better for the city to sentence the cops to several lashings with Ulysses. [NYDN]

Wronged Librarian Scores $25,000 After E-mail Mix-Up