awesome blossoms

Sulzberger’s New Girlfriend: ‘There Is Only One Woman in Arthur’s Life’

Move over Nancy Shevell, we have a new favorite non-famous middle-age beauty who is dating a wealthy and prominent man: Helen Ward. She’s the married (but separated) gal “Page Six” claims is dating the also-married (but separated) Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the publisher of the New York Times. The Post uses this link as proof that Sulzberger couldn’t be secretly dating Caroline Kennedy, which we think misses the point. Caroline is so last week! This week it’s all Helen. She was friends with JFK Jr. when he was alive and used to go heli-skiing with him and Daryl Hannah. Her ex-husband is “crazy bitter” about her new boyfriend. And when confronted by the Post about her and Sulzberger, she had the best retort ever:

No comment,” Ward told Page Six yesterday, then added, “There is only one woman in Pinch Sulzberger’s life, and that is the Gray Lady.”

And let us tell you, that lady may be getting a little older, but she knows exactly what to do in the bedroom.


And let us tell you, that lady may be getting a little older, but she knows exactly what to do in the bedroom.


Sulzberger’s New Girlfriend: ‘There Is Only One Woman in Arthur’s Life’