
Even Rudy Realizes He Went Too Far by Smearing Marriage Equality

It seems like Rudy Giuliani has realized what a jerk he came off as this morning in the New York Post, where he told columnist Frederic Dicker that he doesn’t support marriage equality, and he thinks that David Paterson’s latest bid to get it passed will help the Republicans take back Albany in 2010. This news came out the same morning that it was revealed in a Siena poll that a strong majority of New Yorkers want to see the State Senate approve Paterson’s bill. Also, we learned today that the gay couple who took thrice-married Giuliani in after his wife Donna Hanover kicked him out for having an affair are going to go to Connecticut to get legally married. Mark Hsaio and Howard Koeppel have been together for eighteen years, many of which have been spent waiting for marriage equality. Giuliani even promised them that if it passed in the state, he would marry them himself. Apparently they got tired of waiting, or more likely they stopped wanting Jerkiani to perform the rite.

Anyway, Politico reports today that Giuliani backed off his statement that gay marriage would cause a Republican landslide next year. “I don’t get the sense that this is the key thing that people are thinking about right now — I think the economy overshadows everything,” he told Dicker on his radio show. “It will be something that Republicans don’t have to use.” That’s probably good, because there’s at least one gay couple today who probably feels used by this particular Republican.

Rudy wouldn’t ‘use’ marriage in campaign [Politico]

Even Rudy Realizes He Went Too Far by Smearing Marriage Equality