blog-stained wretches

Facts About ‘Facts About Goldman Sachs’

• Facts About Goldman Sachs is a blog run by a Florida-based investment adviser named Mike Morgan who believes Goldman Sachs is a conspiracy. “Yes, I am short Goldman Sachs stock,” he writes in a disclaimer on the homepage. “I believe this company is evil and should not exist.”
• The URL is, but Morgan also owns
• Neither website plays “The Number of the Beast” when you click on it, although that would be awesome.
• The website contains lines like, “I asked myself why the SEC, FDIC, FBI, CIA, MI6, DGSE and Secret Service haven’t done a thing to uncover the stinky-stink at Goldman Sachs and how it has placed their stinky-stink in just about every country on the planet. It’s like a science fiction movie with the Evil Genius planting a timed virus throughout the world.”
• Goldman Sachs actually felt the need to send this guy a cease-and-desist letter, thereby giving dude a leg up in the publicity department.
• Morgan is holding a conference call on Wednesday “to discuss our objectives and how you can help as a volunteer,” but so far, only nineteen people have RSVP-ed. “It just goes to show,” Morgan writes. “Most people get mad, but that’s about it.” :(

Facts About Goldman Sachs [GoldmanSachs666]

Facts About ‘Facts About Goldman Sachs’