sex on skates

Levi Johnston: Had McCain Won, ‘It Would Have Been Good and Bad’

Levi “Sex on Skates” Johnston was stopped by TMZ cameramen outside of the opening of a tanning salon in Los Angeles (just move on, it will hurt your head less). He was asked about what would have happened had his child Tripp’s grandmother, Sarah Palin, won the vice-presidency. “It would have been good and bad,” he said sagely. Fortunately, that’s not what’s interesting about this amazing video. What’s interesting — nay, amazing — about it are the goading questions from the woman/child/gay behind the camera. “Do you do a lot of tanning in Alaska?” she/he/Skittles asks. “Are you closer to the sun in Alaska? Do you need any protection from, like, UV rays? Do you use any protection? No sun lotion?” Unfortunately, the extremely obvious unsafe-sex jokes are completely lost on young Levi. As his body man Tank pulls him away, the video-reporter/middle-schooler/ boner-smuggler can’t help but mutter bitterly, not quite out of earshot: “Enjoy yourself. Use protection.”

Levi Johnston: Had McCain Won, ‘It Would Have Been Good and Bad’