
Madoff Rage Turns Florida Residents Into Poop-Throwing Psychos

Bernie Madoff’s homes on the Upper East Side and in Palm Beach go on the auction block this week, and the U.S. Marshals service has been working hard to make them attractive to buyers by removing “things that scream Bernie Madoff” as well as the literal slime that has accumulated on the properties since they were pried from Ruth’s talons this spring. One landscaper, Mike Clawson, hired by the Marshals do things like scrub mildew from the tiles and trim the hedges, found that working on the Palm Beach property, at least, had some disadvantages.

People have walked by cursing him, assuming he works for Madoff, says Clawson … One woman hurled a bag of dog excrement at him, narrowly missing, he says.

One assumes that the contractors working at Bernie’s New York apartment, which also goes on sale for $10 million this week, didn’t have such problems, it being a penthouse and New Yorkers generally being more civilized. That said, we wouldn’t put it past victim Mort Zuckerman to have organized a poop drop from his Gulfstream.

Madoff’s Belgian Shoes Stashed as U.S. Markets Home [Bloomberg]
Madoff’s penthouse could be yours for $10 million [Reuters]

One assumes that the contractors working at Bernie’s New York apartment, which also goes on sale for $10 million this week, didn’t have such problems, it being a penthouse and New Yorkers generally being more civilized. That said, we wouldn’t put it past victim Mort Zuckerman to have organized a poop drop from his Gulfstream.

Madoff’s Belgian Shoes Stashed as U.S. Markets Home [Bloomberg]
Madoff’s penthouse could be yours for $10 million [Reuters]

Madoff Rage Turns Florida Residents Into Poop-Throwing Psychos