the most important people in the world

If Diddy Isn’t Inspiring You, There’s Something Wrong With You

Seriously. If thinking about Diddy’s many accomplishments don’t cause you to collapse inward and moan what have I done with my life, if ruminating on his contributions to the arts, science, medicine, and geopolitical debate, doesn’t just awe your face off, there is something really wrong. According to Diddy.

He tells Playboy:

So yeah. Take that, New Yorker. Sean Combs has the energy of all of your “World Changers” in one little finger!

Just kidding! Actually, he has it in his pants.

PLAYBOY: You’ve talked about having 30-hour sex sessions.

Playboy Interview: Sean Combs [Playboy]

If Diddy Isn’t Inspiring You, There’s Something Wrong With You