stand clear of the closing doors

MTA Criticized for Hating Children

New York City kids will soon have a great excuse to skip school. Unfortunately, the excuse is that they can’t afford to get there. One component of the MTA’s doomsday budget plan, which is expected to be passed by its board tomorrow, is the phasing out of a policy that let students ride subways and buses for free. For poor families, an $89 monthly MetroCard might simply be too costly. It’s not surprising, then, that the decision isn’t being well received. Council Speaker Christine Quinn and other transportation advocates insisted earlier today that the MTA’s budget gap could easily be filled using leftover stimulus money and capital funds. Governor Paterson also suggested the MTA find a different way to save money. “Who wants to take MetroCards away from kids?” he asked. He added, in our imagination, “What kind of monsters are you?”

Gov To MTA: Rethink Yanking Student MetroCards » [Daily Politics/NYDN]
Doomsday Cuts Protested By New Yorkers [NY1]

MTA Criticized for Hating Children