early and awkward

George Pataki Can’t Even Count on New York for Presidential Bid

One of the unique strengths that former governor George Pataki would have as a presidential candidate — which he’s clearly thinking about becoming in 2012 — would be his potential ability to switch electoral-vote-heavy New York, and perhaps neighboring states like New Jersey, from blue to red. But that possibility is looking like a pipe dream, at least at this early date, according to a new Marist poll. A whopping 71 percent of New Yorkers don’t want Pataki to run for president, including 60 percent of Republicans, even as a plurality call him New York’s best governor of the past few decades. Maybe New Yorkers would just rather not see any more ads like this one of Paul Revere riding through a sandstorm.

5/10: Pataki Not Seen As Presidential Candidate But Is One of NY’s Best Governors [Marist]

George Pataki Can’t Even Count on New York for Presidential Bid