weird al greene

Unemployed Primary Winner Comes With Some Baggage

It was the feel-good/utterly baffling story of primary day: Alvin Greene, the unemployed military veteran who somehow captured the Democratic Senate nomination in South Carolina despite a total lack of a campaign. Sure, he’s completely unprepared to run in a real election and will no doubt get annihilated by Republican incumbent Jim DeMint, but he has an appealing earnestness about him, and a passion for civic duty that led him to pony up $10,400 of his own money, despite his joblessness, to register for a race nobody thought he could win. Aaaand then we learned that he’s facing felony charges for “showing obscene Internet photos to a University of South Carolina student.” This is something that Greene’s primary opponent, Vic Rawl, could have easily discovered had he realized that Greene existed in the first place.

Surprise SC Senate candidate has charge pending [AP via TPM]

Update: The chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party is asking Greene to withdraw from the race.

Unemployed Primary Winner Comes With Some Baggage