fun with maps

Mapping Racial Segregation in New York City

Using Census data from 2000, Eric Fischer mapped out the top 40 cities in the country by race. Each dot equals 25 people and is color-coded by race: white is pink (heavier concentrations look reddish), black is blue, Hispanic is orange, and Asian is green. Some cities, like Detroit, show clearly demarcated lines between races. (Looks sort of like the city’s black population is clenched by a pink fist.) Others, like San Antonio, which Fast Company says is often held up as “the future of the post-race Southwest,” show a lot of integration, especially outside the city center. New York has areas of extreme racial concentration — Manhattan is mostly white below the northern border of Central Park, and northeast of Prospect Park, Brooklyn, at least in 2000, was mostly black. But you can already see an interesting mix of integration at neighborhood borders. Here’s the original image where you can pinpoint the dots.

Infographic of the Day: How Segregated is Your City? [Fast Company]

Mapping Racial Segregation in New York City