early and often

George Pataki Can Handle Anything After Endorsing Carl Paladino

It was already kind of obvious that former New York governor George Pataki was considering a run for president in 2012, what with his efforts to repeal health-care reform, his passing on a very winnable Senate race against Kirsten Gillibrand, his visit to Iowa, and his elusive answers whenever anyone asks him about it. But in an interview with ABC News’s Top Line today, he made his intentions a bit more explicit.

Also, Pataki expressed some fairly tepid support for Sarah Palin, which is becoming the only kind of support anyone is willing to give her.

Sarah Palin: Hey, At Least She’s Better Than Carl Paladino” will probably not appear on bumper stickers anytime soon.

Gov. George Pataki ‘Looking at’ Run for President; Peekskill ‘Twice the Size of Wasilla’ [Note/ABC News]

George Pataki Can Handle Anything After Endorsing Carl Paladino