
LuAnn de Lesseps Apologizes for Her Daughter’s Lack of Class

I am the parent of a teenager, and as any parent can attest, teenagers go through periods of doing things that are wrong and not appropriate and that are later regretted,” Real Housewives of New York star LuAnn de Lesseps told Popeater blogger Rob Shuter, after our item last week unearthed a video of her daughter Victoria smoking a hand-rolled cigarette (or joint?) and using the word nigga. “My daughter Victoria knows that the behavior she exhibited was unacceptable. I have chosen to deal with this as a private family matter and an opportunity to discuss consequences of our actions.” Ramona Singer, whose quickly deleted re-tweet of the link to the video first alerted us to it, now says she is mortified. “I’m not very tech savvy, and [I’m] heartbroken that I accidentally retweeted this. I called Luann and Victoria immediately to apologize and tell them to remove the video. Regardless of our catfights on the show, our children are off-limits.” Hmmm. Apparently Ramona’s not watching the show the rest of us are watching.

Countess LuAnn de Lesseps Calls Daughter’s N-Word Use ‘Unacceptable’ [Popeater]

LuAnn de Lesseps Apologizes for Her Daughter’s Lack of Class