post-modern love

One of the Forever-Alone Singles 4Chan Lured to Times Square Is Actually Rather Dashing

4chan’s plan to entice lonely singles to Times Square for an involuntary flash mob-cum-public shaming, didn’t quite work out as they hoped. As planned, the hackers used fake OkCupid profiles to lure “forever alone” types to 46th and Broadway on a Friday night to catch them on-camera. But not all of the fellas were as pathetic as they imagined. One fedora-wearing young gent named Keats, for example, even outshone the Buzzfeed editor standing next to him (No offense, Chris Menning! You are very tall and have nice glasses!) In fact, Keats could easily pass for the Internet’s own Hugh Dancy — though even more boyish and cherubic, if possible. As Vice magazine writes, a “photo we took of him throwing us an alabaster middle finger sparked legions of lonely women into Internet swooning.” Playing matchmaker, Vice then decided to take some tasteful naked art photos (with said fedora) and give Keats a chance to talk to his fans.

Lesson for 4chan members: just because you’d look like loser if someone caught you on camera hoping for a date, doesn’t mean the same applies to the dudes you’ve been trolling.

[Vice via Buzzfeed NSFW]
Earlier: 4chan Using Fake OkCupid Profiles to Lure Pathetic Singles to Times Square

One of the Forever-Alone Singles 4Chan Lured to Times Square Is Actually Rather Dashing