missed connections

Looking for Love (or a Job) at the Goldman Sachs Building

All bored, lonely, or otherwise voyeuristic New Yorkers love the Craigslist section for Missed Connections, where social anxiety has potential. This week came a special entry describing a moment between young people not on the L train, but before a job interview. And not just any job interview! “Goldman Sachs building today … ” described the applicant/connection-seeker, a 23-year-old student in New York City. She was kind enough to update Daily Intel on her romantic and professional pursuits today. 

But first, the ad in full, via Twitter:

I was entering the building for the interview and you were leaving the building … around 3 30pm … and we looked at each other for a while … I looked back and you also looked back … actually I think you did longer.

I thought you are cute to be a banker … my interviewer was a female so no way to compare the cuteness of employees of the firm but I am pretty sure you are in the top tranche 

I do not think I can find you here, but I might 

the odds says I am being too optimistic, but when one tries to defeat the odds something great happens 

Sweet, right?

The woman, who asked to remain anonymous because she wants the job, said she’s never written a Missed Connection before but was just bored at home afterwards. “Plus, my interview wasn’t so great,” she said, “So I thought maybe I could try my luck here.” The poster has received two responses so far, “but not from the person [she] was looking for.” (One guy wrote her from the New Jersey office.)

She’s not sweating it, though: Asked whether she’d rather get the date or the job, she didn’t hesitate: “At this moment, the job.” She hasn’t heard back about that yet either.

Looking for Love (or a Job) at Goldman Sachs