Cory Booker, Paul Krugman, and Rand Paul Had a Twitter Contest

Courtesy of @EricThurm.

Which one is tweeting?” This Week intern Eric Thurm asked this morning, linking to a photo of Newark Mayor Cory Booker (1,196,102 followers) and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman (850,859 followers), both expertly tapping their smartphones in an effort to continuously refresh their meticulously maintained digital personae. Fourteen minutes later, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (56,158 followers), also a guest on today’s show, asked his own question regarding Cory the Mad Twitter-er: “Will Cory be tweeting during the roundtable?” To which our favorite mayor simply replied, “Lol indeed,” no doubt still chuckling over the neo-libertarian Green Room lecturing he’d already had to endure. (See photo after the jump.)

Courtesy of @KayeFoley.
Booker, Krugman, and Paul Had a Twitter Contest