Joe Biden Told a Crowd Yesterday He’s ‘Proud to Be President’

Either Vice-President Joe Biden misspoke, or he’s already living in 2016, but last night at an Iowa State Society inauguration ball he told the assembled revelers that, “I’m proud to be president of the United States.” Son Beau Biden dutifully stepped up to the microphone and told the crowd that his father meant to say vice-president, so reports Reuters. Exactly, Biden Senior corrected himself: “I’m proud to be vice president of the United States, but I am prouder to be Barack Obama’s, President Barack Obama’s, vice president.” So that’s why Biden’s swearing-in this morning went so smoothly — he’d already gotten his Inauguration Weekend Semi-Gaffe Moment out of the way last night. Of course, tomorrow’s another day, and another opportunity for Crazy Uncle Joe to crash the party.

Joe Biden Yesterday: ‘I’m Proud to Be President’