ink-stained wretches

Newspaper Editor Quits After Asking for Information About Guns

Close up of a semi-automatic pistol
Photo: Stockdisc

A North Carolina newspaper editor who quit his job after receiving a flood of threats and hate mail for daring to ask about gun permit applicants’ identities now plans to leave the state. Robert Horne, who oversaw the Cherokee Scout until he resigned on Tuesday, told Romenesko, “I hope to find a job in the profession.” But he’ll do that far away from Cherokee, where the newspaper he edited handled the backlash to his request for the names of those applying for concealed carry permits by withdrawing the request and apologizing for even asking. Whatever criticism the Journal News may have received for creating that map of pistol permit holders at the end of last year, we have to give the paper and the regional press credit for at least sticking to their, er, guns.

Newspaper Editor Quits After Seeking Information