google ass

The Era of the Google Glass Pickup Artist Is Upon Us

You knew it would happen, because all technological innovations are eventually repurposed for sexual attraction. But it’s kind of impressive that Google’s new computerized glasses, which aren’t even commercially available yet, are already being used to hit on women.

Ellis Hamburger, a reporter at the Verge, posted this Vine video of an unidentified man talking to a nice young woman at a SXSW party last weekend. (Or as he put it, “Google Glass ultranerdbro hitting on girl.”) The guy, as you can see, is wearing a pair of Google Glass, and the girl is touching her hair and trying not to stare at the glasses.

This guy aside, it’s easy to imagine the many ways Google Glass could come in handy on the pickup scene: “Okay, Glass, look up her Facebook profile and tell me which bands she likes.” “Okay, Glass, now tell her how compatible Geminis and Cancers are.” “Okay, Glass, now find a dark alley nearby where we can make out awkwardly.” Or, if things aren’t going that well: “Okay, Glass, take a photo of her cleavage before she runs away.”

Unfortunately for our SXSW Googler and other early adopters, “Okay, Glass, now make these glasses look cooler than a Bluetooth earpiece” is not yet a recognizable command.

The Era of the Google Glass Pickup Is Upon Us